In the date section- enter the date of receiving the loan.
To the amount part - note the account of the loan. Entrepreneurial subjects can be given equipment loan funds in the following limits:
from 5,000 manats to 50,000 manats - small loans;
From 50 001 manat to 1 000 000 manat - medium loans;
from 1 000 001 manat to 10 000 000 manat - large amount loans;
The maximum limit of equipment loan (for one additional investment project) obtained by each business entity from the Fund should exceed 10,000,000 manats. can can't.
In the Term part- enter the term of the loan. Loans are granted for the repayment of equipment loans of the Fund:
for a small amount - up to 3 (three) years;
for medium amount loans - 5 (five) ) up to a year;
for large loans - up to 10 (ten) years;
Note the effect of the loan on the grace period part. Control over the use of loans provides information on the flow of cash depending on the nature of the activity for each business entity granted credit, and it is possible to manage the first 1/2 period of control over the use of loans. Entrepreneurial entities in the field of discount pay only interest debts, they do not make any payments on the principal debt.
Equipment loan percentage - specify the equipment loan percentage. The annual interest applied by authorized credit institutions to the Fund's loans should not exceed 9 percent.